Let's Talk Leadership with Banangkur

Leadership and Parenting in a Doctoral Dissertation

May 30, 2024 Banangkur Mustafa
In producing this podcast, I always look for women leaders who have an inspiring leadership story to tell – and for us all to learn from. 

As you might have gathered if you’re a regular listener, I’ve had the pleasure of talking to many who are Certified Masters of The Leadership Challenge. In fact, my first guest was fellow-Canadian and Certified Master, Kelly Ann McKnight.

 Today I’m so pleased to be talking to another Certified Master, Brittney Majka.  

Brittney is taking her expertise as a Certified Master to a whole new and exciting level. She has recently begun her PhD research focused on two areas I’m passionate about. The first of these is of course leadership. And the second is parenting. 

Of course, parents are leaders ! I’m excited to learn how she’s making the connection between The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership – and parenting. And this becomes her PhD thesis.

 Even if you’re not a parent – or a woman  - I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this important conversation on parenting and leadership.